Business Directory Rep Roster New SearchPrev1...6789101112...27Next Savanna ElmsOffice ManagerNavarre Funeral Home & Cremation ServicesDignity Memorial2444 Rollingbrook Dr.Baytown, TX 77521281-422-8111savanna.elms@sci-us.comRoger ElswickOwnerCommunity Toyota4701 I-10 EastBaytown, TX 77521281-839-7700roger_elswick@communitytoyota.comRoger ElswickOwnerCommunity Kia4141 East FwyBaytown, TX 77521281-421-3737Roger_Elswick@CommunityToyota.comRoger ElswickOwnerCommunity Honda5700 I-10 EastBaytown, TX 77521281-839-0500Roger_Elswick@CommunityToyota.comMichael EmmanuelPrincipal Broker/DeveloperMove Texas RealtyMy company specializes in developing and building custom homes. Our unique approach focuses on incorporating high-end upgrades into every home we build, regardless of the price point. We believe that by adding value and exceeding expectations, we can appeal to the needs and desires of our customers.Furthermore, we are committed to remaining relevant in the revitalization of our neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Our goal is to develop land and create living spaces that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing but also structurally unmatched. 1015 Polly StBaytown, TX 77520832-512-3234mike@wayfiecient.comGary EnglertStellar Bank EMPLOYER: Stellar BankHISTORY: 43 years of Commercial Banking ExperienceEDUCATION: 1979 Robert E Lee High School, Baytown, Tx. 1984 Associate Business Degree: Lee College, Baytown, Tx 1989 Bachlors Finance Degree: University of Houston, Clear Lake, Tx 5700 Garth Rd.Baytown, TX 77521281-691-9151 Direct LineColleen EnrightOwnerKIES Solutions, Inc.P.O. Box 24Dickinson, TX 77539281-474-2255colleen@kiessolutions.comJudge Julie EscalanteMunicipal JudgeCity of Baytown Municipal Judge3120 N. Main (77521)P.O. Box 424Baytown, TX 77522281-427-9511julie.escalante@baytown.orgJoy EspinosaHeart Gallery Outreach CoordinatorBEAR...Be A ResourceInstagramInstagram3572 E TC Jester BlvdHouston, TX 77018713-274-9868Joy.Espinosa@harriscountytx.govDr. Anna EspinozaFoundation & Partnership DirectorGCCISD Education FoundationP.O. Box 8081Baytown, TX 77522-8081281-707-3610anna.espinoza@gccisd.netMaurice EstradaEstrada Drywall LLC405 West Defee AveBaytown, TX 77520-4503281-422-7758thomas@estradadrywall.comLauren EuresteCEO/OwnerImagine Lauren PhotographyInstagram320 W Texas AveBaytown, TX 77520832-675-0552imaginelaurenphotography@gmail.comJamie EustaceCity LibrarianCity of Baytown Sterling Municipal LibraryWilbanks Ave.Baytown, TX 77520281-427-7331jamie.eustace@baytown.orgAshleigh EvansManagerExtended Stay America Suites7212 Eastpoint BlvdBaytown, TX 77521281-839-1400Esabaytown@gmail.comDr. Bechara FadyMassage Envy Baytown8824 North Highway 146, Suite 120Baytown, TX 77523281-317-2818Bechara.fady@massageenvy.comRonnie FehringOwnerJohn's Trim Shop, Inc.4722 N. MainBaytown, TX 77521-2333281-422-4286ron4722@gmail.comAnnette FergusonVP of Finance & AdministrationLee College200 Lee Dr (77520)P.O. Box 818Baytown, TX 77522-0818281-425-6339aferguson@lee.eduLeah FergusonOwnerThe Blue Doghouse2827 N. Alexander Dr.Baytown, TX 77520832-572-7759leah@thebluedoghouse.comMichael A. FiscoPresidentAAA Flexible Pipe Cleaning Co.3900 Underwood RoadLaPorte, TX 77571281-476-5200info@aaaflexpipe.comAdan FloresOperation ManagerTriton Industrial Services, LLC10910 Spencer Highway Suite DLA Porte, TX New SearchPrev1...6789101112...27Next Members | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Baytown Community Calendar | Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Request Info Discover Chamber Benefits Become a Member