Business Directory Expo Exhibitors 2024 New SearchPrev1234Next Business Development Rep.Magnum Staffing Services, Inc.Instagram2500 E. T.C. Jester Blvd., Ste. 315Houston, TX 77008713-658-0068Angelica AbrigoHR DirectorAmo Health and Therapy LLC1314 Market St. (77520)11043 Fuqua St. Suite DHouston, TX 77089281-707-6583angelicaa.amo@yahoo.comAdelina AbshireVice President of Marketing and BusinessBeacon Federal Credit UnionP.O. Box 1704La Porte, TX 77572-1704281-471-1782agomezabshire@beaconfed.orgBlythe AdamBusiness Development RepRave Financial Credit UnionBirthday: July 18volunteers for church, Houston Rodeo, Crossfit, and any sport her child is involved in11250 Eagle DriveMt Belvieu, TX 77523713-805-2498badam@bankwithrave.comDena AdcoxDaniel's Meat Market & Restaurant1402 N. Market LoopBaytown, TX 77521281-896-2513accounting@danielsmeatmarket.comDena AdcoxEvent CoordinatorExecutive Catering6010 Thompson RdBaytown, TX 77521281-837-4000accounting@exec-catering.comLety AlvarezOffice ManagerBaytown Animal Hospital4601 Decker Dr.Baytown, TX 77520-1417281-424-5575lalvarez@baytownanimalhospital.comCorbin BellTerritory Manager | SE TexasGeneral Informatics2930 Eastex FreewayBeaumont, TX 77703409-893-0863corbin.bell@geninf.comMichelle BitterlyOwnerAwards & EngravingPO Box 7340Baytown, TX 77522281-420-1299michelle.b@awards-engraving.comKelsey BorzaFund DeveloperBob Hope School - Baytown4545 Highway 73Port Arthur, TX 77642724-708-8485kelsey.borza@bobhopeschool.orgRandy CaseyOwnerState Farm Insurance - Randy CaseyInstagram Born in Baytown, third generation, and have lived most of my life in the area. Graduated from Ross S Sterling High School. Attended Lee College for two year before attending and graduating from Texas A&M with Bachelor of Science Degree.Have two daughters, Abigail and Megan, and both graduated from Texas State University. Have two Step-Daughter, Karson & Madison, who are attending Lone Star College. Heather is my better half.Have been in insurance business over twenty years, last ten as an agent in Baytown.Member of: Baytown Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & Crime Prevention Board), Highlands Chamber of Commerce (Ambassador & board member), Baytown Lions Club (former President), Board Member for Bayton Crime Stoppers, Past President Former Lee Alumni, and member of the Crosby Huffman Chamber of Commerce.Licenses in Texas: Property & Casualty Insurance, Life & Health Insurance, Mortgage Broker, and Security Licensed. 4406 N. MainBaytown, TX 77521281-421-2244randy.casey.mdjz@statefarm.comJerry CatesExpo RepresentativeBay Area Rehabilitation CenterNo longer the Bay Area Rehabilitation center as of Jully 22, 2024.5313 Decker Dr.Baytown, TX 77520281-838-4477jerry.cates@bayarearehab.orgCatoya ClausellExecutive DirectorThe Lodge at Pine Creek825 Hunt Rd.Baytown, TX 77521346-233-0479catoya@lodgeatpinecreek.comKristi ClaypoolAccount ManagerMeador Staffing ServicesI serve as Executive Account Manager in the Gulf Coast Region. I oversee and direct all activities of sales to generate revenue through development of new business, proper maintenance of present accounts and marketing supervisory efforts in order to meet objectives for the companies. At Meador Staffing, we match right candidates to the right job. This is done by listening to our customer’s needs, understanding the culture of companies we service and meeting salary requirements based on the position and clients budget. We are a flexible staffing firm that customizes to the needs of the company’s we serve.4001 Center StreetDeer Park, TX 77536713-941-0616kclaypool@meador.comTiereney CopelynBranch Manager160 Driving Academy2303 N Alexander DrBaytown, TX 77520832-957-0160tcopelyn@160drivingacademy.comPatrick A. CourtneyBusiness Development SpecialistHouston Methodist Baytown HospitalInstagram4401 Garth Rd.Baytown, TX 77521-3158281-420-7384pcourtney@houstonmethodist.orgLouis CressyChefExecutive Catering6010 Thompson RdBaytown, TX 77521281-837-4000catering@exec-catering.comSherrie DanielsMarketing DirectorClearSky Rehabilitation Hospital of Baytown150 Blue Heron PkwyBaytown, TX 77521281-413-3834sdaniels@clearskyhealth.comKendall DavidDirector of MarketingGoose Creek Consolidated Independent School4544 I-10 East (77521)P.O.Box 30Baytown, TX 77522-0030281-707-3341kendall.david@gccisd.netTimothy DayBusiness Development ManagerHPP Materials, Inc.15201 East Freeway, Suite 100Channelview, TX New SearchPrev1234Next Members | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Baytown Community Calendar | Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Request Info Discover Chamber Benefits Become a Member